The iTunes Advancement

With so many things going digital, why not gifts? Technology is the future and with it comes wants that are entirely digital. From software to entertainment, well over half of the presents screamed for are downloadable. As this landscape changes, so too does traditional gift-giving. It used to be that lists were made, highlighting all the things people wanted for their birthdays or for the holidays, and parents would spend hours combing the stores just to find the last available toy of the season. But no longer.

With iTunes gift cards, you can now completely forego wasted hours hunting store aisles or browsing endless lists of online store deals in favor of letting your family and friends decide what they want. Because everyone has an iTunes account, it is a safe gift that saves you time and keeps them from having to graciously accept something they’ll be throwing out as soon as they get home. It gives them the option to purchase digital copies of their favorite things to bring with them as they travel to work, school or anywhere else. Who wouldn’t want that?

In addition, the money never slowly leaks away due to hidden fees and fine print. Once the gift card amount is theirs, it is always theirs. They can use it as soon as they get it or save it up for a release they’re excited for in the future. They can also get a physical card or a digital copy. This will probably be the hardest decision you make. Even still, it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out if your tech loving son would like a digital gift card or a physical one. No matter how the present arrives, it still works for the same things. Useable in all the App Stores, the iTunes Store and any other media platform Apple sells products through, you can rest easy knowing your family is completely satisfied with their gifts.

Take it easy this holiday season and enjoy the gift of technology. With countless choices and perfect for every platform, iTunes gift cards are without equal.
