Risks with Free Baby Samples

There is always a risk associated with everything you do and this includes trying out the free baby samples. This is not something unique in the industry and even though most of the companies giving out the free samples will try as much as possible to give the best products, some risks still exists and this prevents a number of mothers from trying out the offers. Here are some of the inherent ones-:

Perception of the quality

There is a general perception that free things are of low quality and this is very much alive when considering the free baby samples. Though the samples from most of the branded companies are guaranteed to be of good quality, one can never rule out the existence of substandard products from the upcoming companies. Due to this risk, most ladies tend to stick to the branded products and shun away the new comers. 

Loss of privacy

When you sign up for the free samples, you give crucial information about your contacts and your physical address. The more samples you sign up for the more you continue to give the location of your home and this will lead to so many company representatives knocking on your door to deliver the samples. For some, this is an unacceptable loss of privacy. 

A lot of email marketing

You need to understand that the free baby sample is a marketing strategy for the companies. Many of them will require that you fill in opt in forms from their websites where you give your email address. They will then send you information relating the sample you signed up for and also about their other products that they think might be relevant for you. You can imagine how your inbox will look like if you sign up with ten companies all sending you marketing emails every day.