Pitfalls to Watch Out For While Searching for Free Samples

Many companies give out free samples as a marketing strategy to encourage people to buy their products should they find them useful. Though most of the companies try their best to offer high quality products despite the fact that they are for free, you can never rule out the existence of unscrupulous traders who are equipped with ill motives. This makes it important that you be very keen with every free sample thrown at your way. Watch out for the following pitfalls while conducting your search.

Danger of scammers

Due to the large number of consumers searching for free items on the internet, there are scammers who target such consumers to reap them off. They take advantage of the consumer’s desperation for free stuff then they trick them into more dangerous things in the name of giving out freebies. The best way to avoid this is to deal with the trusted companies and if you intend to work with a new company, do due diligence to ascertain its authenticity.

Identity theft

Most of the companies that give freebies will require you to give certain information about yourself to facilitate the delivery of the item. You need to be cautious not to give very crucial information. Be careful with companies asking for sensitive data such as bank account details, credit card details etc. These are not needed and should you give them out, you might fall a victim of identity theft by fraudsters.

Free is never really free

Even though you don’t spend actual cash to get the item, there is still a considerable amount of effort you have to put in order to get it. This will translate to you trading your time for the free item. If getting the item will consume much of your time, you need to evaluate if it’s worth to go through the troubles of getting it. Just take care to ensure you don’t waste a lot of your valuable time on free items.