Is There a “Catch” to Getting Free Makeup Samples From Stores and Brands?

Most people are suspicious when they hear that a store or brand is offering something for free, even free makeup samples. This is because very often there is a “catch” to getting something for free or to receiving samples. In some cases it’s true that you do need to pay for something to get free samples or there are other offers involved, but in some cases free really does mean free.

If you’re concerned about whether or not you can actually get something for free when it comes to makeup, skincare, fragrances, hair care, and other related products, consider what is typically involved in most offers from stores and brands.

  1. Making a purchase.

In many cases you get free makeup samples from stores and brands when you make a purchase. For example, if you shop Sephora either online or in person, you typically get free samples with every purchase. Sephora also has a Beauty Insider program that allows you to earn points for every purchase and those points go toward even more samples, usually something deluxe.

While this might seem like a “catch” to getting free samples, keep in mind that you’re probably going to shop those stores and brands anyway! It’s not really an obligation if you’re already in the market for some product; the samples are just their way of rewarding your loyalty to their store.

  1. Signing up for emails and other alerts.

In many cases you need to enter an email address to get free makeup samples. This too can be a “catch” as you might then see some unwanted emails online, but at the same time, those emails can offer valuable beauty tips and advice. They can also be used by a store or brand to alert their customers of special sales or offers given to their online customers only.

It’s good to also consider that the occasional email is well worth the great samples you get in the mail! If you don’t want to read an email you can take just a few quick seconds to skim its contents and then delete it, but in return you get free samples and other offers on a regular basis.

This is good to consider with any so-called “catch” to getting samples for free. It can be well worth it for those great products you’ll be getting regularly!