How to Use Social Media to Score Free Makeup Samples

What girl wouldn’t love an armful of free makeup samples coming to her mailbox every day or week? These can help to fill out your makeup bag or can help you to decide on a new product you want to try. Stores may offer them or you might score them when you order something from a particular brand, but you can also find all the samples you need through social media.

Check out a few quick tips on how to get your free makeup samples online through Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. It’s well worth it when you consider what offers you can get from these social media sites that you are probably using anyway!

  1. Like the brands on Facebook so you get alerts every day.

Many brands use Facebook to alert their customers to when they’re having specials or are giving away samples. Facebook is a good way for them to reach thousands of customers at once, and they know that if you’ve liked their Facebook page, you’re genuinely interested in their brand. While you might hesitate to clog your newsfeed with more alerts, they can pay off in the end when you see the great samples you can score.

  1. Follow the brands and stores on Twitter.

Twitter is what most brands and stores use to alert their customers of quick sales and other specials. They’ll put out an alert and anyone that’s following them can find out instantly about samples being given away or new specials that include samples. Signing up for Twitter and following certain brands or stores is a great way to find the samples you love and to be on top of one-day sales and other offers that you would miss if you looked for them in person!

  1. Ask friends to send you alerts.

If you have a Facebook or other social media page, ask friends who follow certain brands or who are subscribed to certain pages to alert you immediately if they see something in stores or online that offers free makeup samples. You and your friends can even form a network or circle that sends each other alerts, and if you get notifications on your smart phone or tablet, you can all know immediately of offers! This is a great way for friends to help each other find those incredible deals and samples.