How to save money with Target Free Samples

The essence of free product samples is to give the consumers a chance to try out different products from various manufactures in order to determine the ones which work best for them. Being a big retailer, Target receives a lot of free sample from various manufacturers and they make these samples available to their shoppers. If well utilized, the Target samples can help in saving a considerable amount of the shopping money. Here are some of the products that can be used to save money while shopping at Target-:

Food samples

Due to the large network of suppliers that Target has, several food product samples are available for the consumers to test. Most of these include already cooked samples which can be sampled right within the stores. By carefully considering the available samples, one can make very good choices to ensure that they have essential food stuffs like cereals, tea, coffee etc and save the money they would have used in buying them.

Beauty products

Beauty products are another category of the Target samples and they are very popular among the female shoppers. These include samples such as personal care products, cosmetics, body lotions, etc. Getting such products for free is a nice way for the ladies to reduce the total expenditure that they allocate for cosmetics.


It is also a common occurrence for the store to give away different fresh produce from their grocery section as part of Target samples. This happens when they need to prevent certain products from going bad or when they need to introduce a new produce that the consumers are still not aware of. In order to take maximum advantage of the free grocery, it is important to be precise about the particular days and times when they do give such free samples. This is because the grocery products are always hot cakes and you might miss them should you show up late.