Free Baby Stuff: How to Get Free Baby Gear

The arrival of a new baby usually bring lots of excitement until the reality of getting the right baby gear finally dawns on the couple. If not approached with caution baby gear can cost new parents a tidy sum of fortune and disorientate them financially. But to act as buffer to their finances, couples can take advantage of free baby stuff and reduce their total expenditure while purchasing the baby products. Here are some salient ways which couples can use to find very nice baby gear amongst other items. 

Consignment Stores

Consignment stores are great places to find very good deals on baby gear. In most cases, the stores will have promotions whereby if someone spends a given amount of money in purchasing the baby products, then they become eligible for free baby stuff such as a crib or other suitable baby equipment. Finding the consignment stores with such offers is relatively easy with the advent of the internet. 

Product Swapping

Though this is not entirely a free way of getting free baby stuff, it does not need you to spend any money. Product swapping becomes viable when your baby grows old and no longer need some of the items you bought while they were still infants. You can swap such items with the items that are more relevant to your child’s age. There are several websites where people are able to swap their items and making use of them can reduce the financial strain of raising your baby. 

Make use of parenting groups

Parenting groups are full of passionate people who are eager to share information and resources including the best places to get free baby stuff. The groups are a great resource for parents who would like increase their parenting skills and also save on the cost of buying baby products as they will learn several places which they can get items for free and save money. Again, the internet is full of such groups and it should not take a lot of effort to locate them.