Factors to Consider When requesting for Free Samples by Mail

It is always a joy for consumers to receive free sample by mail from their favorite product brands. The is because the free samples offer them a chance to save some coins and also the opportunity to first try products and only buy them when they are satisfied with their quality. In order to get the most out of the free samples, the following factors are worth consideration by those that are making the requests-:

Delivery time

The free samples by mail will hit the mail box at different times and this is worth considering because there are certain consumers who would wish to try products immediately or after a few days yet the product might take several weeks to arrive. Therefore in order to reduce the anxiety and any disappointment, you should request for the samples when you know how long it will take to ship.

Nature of information required

You need to consider the nature of information being requested in order to get the free sample by mail so that you can protect yourself against scammers present in the internet. Only give the basic information such as name, email and shipping address. Do not give any information that might be sensitive such as credit card information, telephone numbers, occupation, date of birth etc.

Your availability when the product arrives

Most people have had their free samples by mail returned to the senders because the free samples arrived when they were away and the mail box got full. You should estimate if by the time the sample will be arriving you will be around so that it is not returned. You can alternatively inform your post office about your impending absence so that they halt any deliveries during this time or you can give them your new temporary address so that the sample will still be delivered your current location notwithstanding.