Are Surveys a Good Way to Get Free Beauty Samples From Online Sites?

If you go online and look for ways to score free beauty samples, you may see several sites that ask you to fill out online surveys so you get those great freebies. As with anything else that looks like a great offer online, you may wonder if it’s worth your time or if this type of offer is a scam. You may also wonder how your personal information and answers collected for those surveys will be used.

It’s good to be skeptical of anything you see online especially offers that ask for your information and your time, but typically surveys are legitimate ways to score great free beauty samples, if you know how to use them right. Consider some quick tips for choosing the best survey sites and for keeping yourself safe when online.

Read the Fine Print

Before you fill out any survey on any site, please be sure to read the fine print. They will tell you how your information is used including your email address and any answers to the survey you provide. They may say that they use your email to send you offers or to allow their marketing partners to contact you, or they may say that your survey answers are completely confidential.

It may take a few minutes to look at their answers but it can be worth it when you consider that this is the only way to determine if the survey site is one worth your participation. If they don’t have a paragraph or other wording that tells you how the info and your email is used, you might skip their site and find another!

Be Careful of What You Provide

An email address is often needed to complete surveys and some may ask for your name and date of birth so they have accurate information about their participants, but be careful of what you provide online. No survey should ever ask for bank account information or even your PayPal account, and too much personal information may also compromise your security. Online sites know that security questions often include the name of your first pet or your mother’s maiden name, so be wary of providing this type of data.

If you exercise caution when using surveys to get beauty samples, chances are you’ll be safe and can enjoy your freebies in peace!