Methods of Getting Free Target Samples

If you are passionate about getting free product samples, then it will please you to know that you can receive a number of Target samples absolutely free of charge. Target loves to deal with a lot of brand companies that give them free products which they then pass on to you hoping that you will like them and make a purchase later on. Described below are the two main methods that any consumer can use to get the Target samples.

Target samples from local stores

If you have a target store in your locality, then you can check in on a regular basis to find out what kinds of free samples they have on offer. During various occasions, they can advertise about oncoming events which they intend to use to give the local residents free sample products. Alternatively, you can simply enquire from the customer service desk if they have any free samples or any set dates for giving out the samples. With the right information, you will maximize your chances of ensuring that you don’t miss on the Target samples. The other advantage of dealing with the stores directly is that you leave with your free sample immediately hence you do not have to wait for weeks for it to be shipped to your address.

Target samples from the website

While browsing the Target website, users interested in the Target samples can check on the available products and see if they qualify for them. If this is the case, they simply put in a request via the website and they will have the items shipped to them. The beauty of using the website is that users can see free samples that have been lined up for the future and they can thus apply and be on the waiting list so that when the products are available for shipping, they get considered. The only caveat with obtaining the samples from the website is that it can take a slightly longer time to get the free sample in your mailbox.