Common Errors People Make When Requesting Free Samples Online

There are several instances when people receive free samples they requested online only to find that it’s not what they had hoped for. In some instances also, people fail completely to receive the samples they had requested even after the promised period of shipping has elapsed. These are due to common errors that the users make while requesting for the free samples online. It is important to know them so that they can be avoided during the time of making the requests. They are as follows-:

Failure to read instruction

Failure to read instructions is what normally leads to free samples online requests being rejected or one receiving a sample they did not hope for. It is important to read the fine print regarding the samples to understand if you are eligible and also be certain that you are applying for the right sample. If you request for a free stuff that you are not qualified for, this may mean automatic rejection and the product won’t be shipped to you.

Failure to confirm submission

Though this is not very common but there are certain free samples requests which will require the users to confirm their submission by clicking second link once they submit their requests. But since most of the users are busy looking at other websites while making the requests, they forget and navigate away or close the window without noticing the confirmation request. Such a request will be considered as incomplete and the sample may not be shipped.

Wrong shipping details

It is very common for users to submit the wrong shipping details while requesting for free samples online. This will without a doubt lead to the sample being delivered to the wrong person rather than the real user who made the request. The best way to avoid this is to simply double check the shipping details before submitting the request.