How to Know Genuine Free Samples by Mail

With so many companies offering free samples, conmen are taking advantage to cash in on the desperation of some of the free sample lovers. It thus becomes a survival skill to be able to tell between the fake and the real offers. Listed here are simple methods that the searchers can use to determine if free samples by mail offers are legit or not.

Credibility of the sources

Before you decide to apply for any free samples by mail, take time to see if the product is being offered by a genuine company or website. The easiest way to do this is the check the company’s standings with the Better Business Bureau. If they have no data with BBB, then their credibility are highly in doubt and you should think twice if you still want to go ahead with putting your request for the free samples.

What kind of information do they need?

Genuine free samples by mail will only need your email, name and shipping address in order to facilitate the delivery of your free sample. If for any reason a company or a website is looking for further details such as credit card data, telephone numbers or any other crucial personal information, then this might be a pointer towards their illegitimacy. There are several con artists waiting to pounce on unsuspecting users to fraudulently obtain their vital information for malicious reasons.

Online reviews

You can also know whether or not free samples by mail offers are real or not through reviews given about the company. In most cases, there are high chances that the company offering the free samples had dealt with other users in the past. If they were genuine in their dealings then this kind of information can be found in the review sites. By going through the reviews, it is possible to deduce if a company has real offers or if it’s just bluffing.